In their book "A Thriving Mind - Is Grateful: Witness Daily Accomplishments - Discover the Self," Dr. Michael Glock and researcher Rochelle L. Cook explore how writing positive memories down in a journal can help to heal old wounds, lead to self-discovery, and bring about a better sense of well-being:
You can start your own journal by picking up a blank diary book, like this one below:
You can also pick up a journal made just for gratitude entries, like the book "Gratitude: A Daily Journal" by Jack Canfield and D. D. Watkins - filled with great advice, and journal entry sentence starters, in case you need help finding things to be grateful for:
"The Secret" and "The Magic" author Rhonda Byrne also has her own take on the guided Gratitude Journal:
Whichever you prefer, just know that the act of contemplating the good things in your life, being grateful for them, and writing them down for posterity and self-reflection, will pay for itself 1,000 times over.
Gratitude Is Love
As we approach the end of our primer on the subject of Gratitude, let me close by saying that being grateful truly is another form of expression for Love. When you love something or someone, your life is better off for it, and you can't imagine your life without them. When you respect, cherish, and value something, or someone - the presence of these things is all but guaranteed! So love freely and be grateful - and your life will fill with abundance!